Expert Conversations – CX Evangelist Debbie Szumylo of Thomson Reuters
December 8, 2019
Listening with Many Ears
October 14, 2020Service 800 and E.G. Insight to Collaborate
Saint Paul, MN and Minnetonka, MN, June 8, 2020 – The leaders of Service 800, Inc. and E.G. Insight wish to announce their alliance. The firms bring distinct competencies and service offerings to the relationship, but have a common focus on enhancing the customer experience for business-to-business clients.
“I’m excited about collaborating with S800. The company has the resources to gather customer feedback in ways that we have not, and their breadth of capabilities will only enhance the value of the work we do with our clients,” said Eric Engwall, President of E.G. Insight.
“We’ve recognized that our clients would benefit from additional options and more robust solutions to support their customer experience initiatives. The strategic customer feedback we help our clients gather can often be supported by the kinds of operational and service quality data that S800 is known for.”
The alliance brings together a set of capabilities to help organizations listen to customers and channel partners more effectively and use the knowledge from that feedback to make tangible improvements for customers and their own organizations.
About the collaboration, Derick White, Vice President at Service 800, said:
“We know from experience that voice of the customer programs – whether transactional surveys, relationship surveys, social media insights, or the interview-based feedback that E.G. Insight excels in – tend to expose the strengths and opportunities for improvement that a company has.
Our job at S800 is to refine those processes or introduce new tools that yield better service for customers while also helping our clients to reduce costs and increase profits. We’re excited to have the the opportunity to offer the strategic feedback and qualitative analysis that E.G. Insight brings.”
If you would like more information, please contact Eric Engwall at 1 (651) 288-1460 or email at info@eginsight.com.
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Strategic Customer Feedback – E.G. Insight, Inc. – Saint Paul, MN
Customer data is no longer a precious and elusive asset. If anything, many companies are so awash in customer information it has become a commodity. The new challenge is one of making sense of the data on hand and using it to inform decisions and inspire change. In the words of one executive, “Data we have. It’s insight we lack.”
E.G. Insight has, for more than 30 years, helped organizations to acquire strategic insights from their most important customers. Through high-touch methods that build relationships while capturing actionable customer feedback, E.G. equips its clients to gather “close data” from critical customers that augments whatever big data they’re already using.
Multi-Channel Customer Feedback – Service 800 – Minneapolis, MN
SERVICE 800 is a trusted partner for global organizations looking to capture and measure customer experience feedback.
With over 30 years of experience SERVICE 800 delivers customer feedback results around the globe through phone interviews in more than 30 languages, web, Interactive Voice Recognition and even social media. Our process allows results to be immediately actionable resulting in higher retention rates and increased revenue for our clients.